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contacted The Center for Constitutional Rights, and here's the message I sent

 I am a Suspect Target wrongfully blacklisted by the United States government.  The gov sold lives to media/military/corporate/Hollywood to put the person under 24/7 surveillance (seeing thru the target's eyes, all data, all telephone).  The most hideous of these crimes include mind control, or automatic thoughts, Voice of God screams, neurological abuse and testing or experimenting on the person which includes electric headache, at its least, and electronic torture at its worst, the feeling of fighting thru a force field with excruciating pain.  There are many other physical problems attributed to this, including skin burns, radiation sickness, dizziness/vertigo, sleep problems (or being forced awake), nervous system affects (pulsating tailbone, electric shooting from the tailbone).  Mentally, this program can cause a host of problems as well.  This has been going on for too long.  I've been fighting for justice about 27 years now, no privacy, right into reading the brain/hearing thoughts, right into all of mass media, radio, etc. all around the globe.  There has also been a smear campaign on the target, treated like a criminal, and community policing/watching, lots of sabotages in employment, phones ringing when the target walks by, but nobody there, street lights going off when the target is near.  Thank you for reading.
