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your poor grandma Sheri, on the farm.

 Uncle Paul takes the tractor into town to go drinking in a bar,

it's morning, we're living there, I'm in the side room bed off the kitchen,

and 4"30 a.m. and I hear grandma's orthopedic shoes clamping,

we're at breakfast while later, and uncle paul comes home,

face all bloody, telling all of us about a pool fight he was in.

I passed out, face down, right into my runny eggs.  "Sheri!"

what was with the passing out, all your life.

grandma, mom, nuns, teachers and such, said it's normal.

not even funny, my daughter had it too.

strange bloodline, Sheri.


  1. what did Pat Meade and your friends do, when you were hit in softball practice, to the chest, 7th grade? went under. same as Shelly, babysitter with Beth. couldn't there have been something done. No, not really


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