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Showing posts from January, 2021

Well yeah it's kind of a no-brainer to give more food to the poor

 but it's sickening how much food we throw away in this country. When I worked the homeless shelters, we did get donated leftover food, and the meals that we served, anybody could come in and eat. idk, I shouldn't have said anything, but wasn't expecting to be attacked, and definitely not over personal appearance.  Sometimes I do retaliate, but not always.  I get to go back in about 7 hours, and no, I haven't  really learned my lesson.  whatever.

Starting a new job

 going to be doing pick and pack at an automotive warehouse. it's part-time, so won't affect my disability check. it's a little bit of a drive but straight hwy and interstate, already hoping my anxiety doesn't flare up in inclement weather. I'm starting this Wednesday, will be good to get back into a routine, 2 p.m. until we're done, M-F, and will be nice to get off the sauce, and out of the house.  I'm hoping for the best, and a long term job.

oh what the hell! For Beth.


And then not sticking by all decisions

 moved into this house, loved it, then after about a year, I hated it, and wanted a different house, dreamed about it too. published This Sky I Know, read it over and over, and loved it, but after a year, reading it, I hated it, it wasn't good enough. today?  love my house, love my book.  hmm, idk.

One good thing I did

 was being an athlete while raising a CF'er. it wasn't really done for her, though, just to say, "Better." she was my fan, then I was her fan. I paid for a modern dance class for her, but she went once, and never went back. I've never seen her dance, seen lots of her singing and music, though. I don't think she ever took a poetry class in college, she wrote a little bit though. she's never had a drop of alcohol, and never smoked a cigarette.  amazing.

the landline phone

 at work, if I walk by a phone, or get near it, it rings, and then someone answers and no one is there. this has happened several times due to surveillance, including the other day at my drug screening, the receptionist, or anyone, acts like this is no big deal, but I know the truth.  Also, when I had my own landline, I used to get the one ring phone calls, and my parents got that too, and blamed it on my brother's girlfriend, but no, and he even told them she wasn't doing it, and I told them what it really was, and all I got was silence. these days on my cell phone, I get many calls that I answer with no one there.  Phil says this is some of telemarketing glitch, or some kind of bot, but no.  I told my phone company I wanted protection but she said, "If it's the government, they can do whatever they want." well fuck no, they can't!

Happy Birthday, Phil!

 I got him a memory foam pillow, a long sleeve gray shirt, and slippers. it's so hard, because a lot of his old friends are dying. he's so lucky after that major surgery that those polyps weren't cancerous. God doesn't want him yet.