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the landline phone

 at work, if I walk by a phone, or get near it, it rings,

and then someone answers and no one is there.

this has happened several times due to surveillance,

including the other day at my drug screening,

the receptionist, or anyone, acts like this is no big deal,

but I know the truth.  Also, when I had my own landline,

I used to get the one ring phone calls, and my parents

got that too, and blamed it on my brother's girlfriend,

but no, and he even told them she wasn't doing it,

and I told them what it really was, and all I got was silence.

these days on my cell phone, I get many calls that I answer

with no one there.  Phil says this is some of telemarketing glitch,

or some kind of bot, but no.  I told my phone company I wanted protection

but she said, "If it's the government, they can do whatever they want."

well fuck no, they can't!


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