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I wanna tell you something about the way I'm feeling, but I'm not gonna did they change you, Sheri? social media?

 kinda.  but, yes.  Change Back!  no.  not right now.


  1. haven't all the quarterbacks done it Sheri, changed backed! well, it's not gonna be Dem.

  2. " you say that, cuz they seem to be promising, Sheri. you should know, and you do know, electing them is not gonna happen!"

  3. well, Sheri, thy're fuking politicians. you had the idea in the beginning, Geneva. and by way did you understand Peter Richards title, Helsinki? idk. never knew, and never understood the book. this was supposed to be poetry.

  4. what do people do, = they pass it by and accept, a poetry book. okay.


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