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Dear David Young,

One million jobs created since tax cuts is not a full truth, it has been consistent with the last nine years, especially during Obama, when the economy had to rebound, and pretty much did.  If you want to quote your very own Mitch McConnell, regulatory changes.  Yeah, corps are now free to pollute our air, water, and land.  They are free to screw the average worker by not allowing anyone to the bargaining table.  First the corp will tell you not to a join a union, then your job is on the line, free to eliminate at any time.

The tax cuts help those who inherited their wealth, some of the richest Americans, who also got their cush job with a silver spoon in their hand.  37% tax on these people and corps was about right, considering, they did very little work to earn their wealth.

If you max out the Earned Income Tax Credit, or bring a refund of over 3 dollars through it, then you can get the additional Child Tax Credit, and probably only then.  You're better off getting the Tax Credit through Obamacare, though that may have changed or have been threatened under Trump.

Recently a group of Repubs in Congress stole money from Medicaid and Medicare to give money to the rich, maybe as a thank you for their campaigns.  It's a real Reagan move, your hero.  It will hurt the disabled.  In fact, the disabled have been petitioning and protesting since Trump took office.

As a Repub, I like you, David, kind of.  I appreciate you responding me considering I'm not in your district.  I will be voting straight ticket Dem in the fall.  It's in my best interest.  Thanks.


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