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you should read, The Magus, by John Fowles. you won't be able to put it down.


  1. how old were you read Crime and Punishment? I think when we were at the aoartments. plus a read a bio on Dostoevski. I was reading short stories, American, too, before I fell asleep.

  2. hard to believe you needed remedial reading special classes in 6th grade. my parents didn't read. they do a lot now though, and the last couple of decades.

  3. our 5th grade teacher, after recess, read out loud to us. lots of Judy Blume, loved it. got me going to library. wasn't into Nancy Drew, or Laura Ingelles Wilder. I would read, but don't think I ever finished a book.

    1. it was warm in there. kinda a long walk, unless I took my bike.

  4. it worked out well for Beth and me, we'd read the book, and then not too long after, the movie would come out in theaters.

  5. we read everything we should have. unbelievable, that Phil says he's more well-rounded than you. yeah.


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