also, Brad, it's a deep down also, it's a deep biological thing when things are going badly, the most irritating feeling with no escape except beer. my whole body and mind is addicted to it. Enter You sent my mother used to trigger me into drinking. it's a relief mechanism. the sabotage at work. could be anything. too long, hard, losing everything fight, to just blow it all off, Phil, like you. He doesn't drink for the same reasons you do, Sheri, he's a target, and he's not mentally ill. also, glad I am, was searching for the spelling of a word, and the first hit came up on Bing was, Plagarism For Students: What you should know. I wish to God I had just kept dancing. after everything I've done, that's all they know me by. only cuz you're a target, Sheri. This happens every day, you find it on Facebook. I usually don't say anything though. and look at all they've taken from you! it's just the fucking media, Sheri, nobody wants t...