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Had to set that straight. They all have that problem.

 called the vet and said we're gonna be a little late, my family wants to say goodbye to Deoge.

She says to me, We can reschedule for 3:30.

you know, this is death, I told her, this isn't an appointment.

at the last minute, my mom didn't want to,

so I made the fucking stupid 1:45 appointment.

When we went in, nobody was in there, no other pets.


  1. has it not always been women in the office, Sheri. I think I still got that poem I wrote when I was 25.

  2. James comes into the office pretty much saying it's all fucked, and he threw his arms around me. he had no intention of working with us. Dont you wish the recpttionists in the other room had seen that. yeah.

  3. perhaps Beth and me took it all too seriously. one reason why I started writing comedies, had to reach that age though. She will, Sheri, reach that age. it's all there.


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