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well, Phil says it's on, Russia invaded Ukraine. geez.


  1. where does Russia belong, Sheri? well, nowhere holy, but what about holiness of Isreal? no idea, blood on their hands.

  2. my friend Darren says: There must be assets in the Ukraine, otherwise the US, UK and the rest of the worming arseholes wouldn't care. Why are we bothering. Iraq solved a few problems, they didn't want to use the petrodollar, they started trading in euro's...we wanted a regime change so Hussain had to go. I won't mention the oil. It's was a good start to taking the middle East. The us are bullies and the UK is their lap dog. You can bet your arse that none of the politicians 'kids' will be putting their necks on the line....war is a massive money maker. Makes me sick...why can't we just live in peace....😦
    You sent
    the department on defence here is our hugest.
    Darren Potter
    Darren Potter
    It's all a waste of OUR money when we need the funds on our own soil.... especially aftet the last two years!!

  3. my daughter says: Not sure where he is coming from. Sounds like he's mad at the US and UK and not the aggressor Russia...

  4. Phil is a complete idiot. "What do want me to say, Sheri?" something.

  5. Why in thee fucking hell does he keep winning at Jeopardy. No idea.


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