Lips by sheri grutz
The lip of the moon is chapped with
dead skin
words whitened out with fear
the wrong sky will be seen lip
of a clown dressed in 4th of
lip caked with too dry cracks
too much salt but painted tears
dropping rocks sucked of time
lips around each lit cigarette the haze
over eyes
ashen look the only rest is a bird here
on a black limb so many limbs to its
lip unkissed of red planet closed
unfire unspice no tip of shoes or nose
of that clown lip that connects with
dead silence moon a bandshell
these silver dreams rising stinging
puckered lips unhigh unstringed
teeth tear the lip of water the lip
of a hill the lip curved in the white
drawing out hours broken on solid steps
taken a million times adding and
lips kissed smoothed as two sails
outlined breath leaving from shallow
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