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The first thing I had to do

Was convince all of my parents that poor people are good parents too,

so ingrained in their psyche that they couldn't get it.

the second thing I had to do was tell them you don't stand for injustice,

though they've never written one letter or one phone call.

The third thing I had to do was tell them that women are no different than men,

they have SEX!  Imagine that!

The fourth thing I had to do was succeed with a disability, be a published poet,

volunteer, and run races, still they want perfection even when it's not there.

I had to fight against all the odds to be a homeowner, to be a single mother

with a purpose, to be an activist and fighter all my life, with no help from anyone.

I'm not taking shit from you that says everyone is disability is a lazy taker.

Even on it, I've paid into it, no fault of my own that I should lose jobs.

Get On My Side for once in your life.
