thank activists that pushed hard to keep Obamacare for conditions such as schizophrenia and cystic fibrosis. The myths surrounding the health plan are that all premiums go up for the middle class but the middle class are insuring 2 adults, and 2 to 3 college kids, or school age kids, truth is my brother as a single adult got health insurance through his employer for 100 dollars a month. it didn't go up because of Obamacare. Another myth is that the well off are paying for the poor. The more people that sign up are paying into a program that virtually pays for itself. Look at the one insurance company that pulled out of Obamacare, and the next week bought up another insurance company for billions. The greedy bastards were getting heat from other subscribers that felt they were being affected. all lies. And savings in the end. End the program, no savings to anyone, and so many without health insurance. The worst thing they did in the tax overhaul bill is take out the mandate that you must sign up, or be pentalized. That money from a fine was going into the program to help those who need it, when in fact, those who took the penalty, will need it eventually, so they basically shot themselves in the foot, and the government said, Yep, we're on your side. What side is that? Republicans.
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