The security guy at the hospital told me that mentally ill guy in handcuffs coming in to psych ward was probably coming from jail, and that is why. I asked him Why not the other way around, the psych ward FIRST? he gave me a weak answer, and I asked him what the typical charges, because it's common knowledge that schizophrenics have or are self-medicating with drugs and/or alcohol. He didn't believe me when I said up to 90 percent of the mentally ill are NOT criminals, they mostly have crimes committed against them. I said, I didn't say psycho, or socio, I meant those with a diagnosis or medical condition. He said, many times it's resisting arrest. I told him, When do all authorities get classes or something on how to properly handle the mentally ill? I told all of them I called yesterday that I am the media, if not literally, then on social media. Scott county Sheriff office hung up on me twice. hmm.
sent to Joni, and NAMI Iowa. will be interested if I get a reply.
ReplyDeleteit's a big deal to everyone that the psych patient remains calm. What a joke that is for Free Sheri! no I'm not sick, except sick and tired of it.
ReplyDeleteI'm not angry Enough! raising my kids in a war zone? fuck.