The System Reacts
(a brief play)
by Sheri Grutz
Lights up on an all gray room with a mural of a mountain on the wall. Doctor dressed in all denim is standing in front of female patient who is sitting in an arm chair rigidly. Behind him is a large table with 4 glasses half-filled with water, a large pitcher of water, and a large bowl.
It's freezing in here!
Yes. It's a time of high alertness.
I don't want my name used.
There's a name for that, but ok. I've known Dr. Stefani for quite some time, he explained to you why we asked you here today, right?
If it's in your written notes, it's all mental to me.
There will be a paper trail, it's good to find your way back.
But this has only been happening for about 2 months.
Yes. They all want to know the beginning, even the best of us see a gestation period,
and clearly we're not Born to Live at this point. Let me bring you over to this table. I've got everything set up. (She gets up and moves to the table, and doctor stands behind it, facing her)
Water is essential, I'll try to keep this basic. Now, I'm going to add red to this first glass, and stir it in. There. What does seeing this make you think of?
Cooking a steak.
Interesting. And how does that make you feel?
Like adding onions.
The study on crying will be for the next patient. Ok, now I'm going to add white, and stir it in. There. What does seeing this make you think of?
Strawberry ice cream.
Hmm, I think I'm already seeing a pattern of worry. Do you eat when you're worried.
I suppose.
Ok, in this second glass of water, I'm going to add a fizzily pop tablet. Yes, yes. What does this make you think of?
That my nerves are exploding!
So you feel fried to contain this?
I'm not in my own bubble you know.
Let's try this third glass. I'm going to add a handful of small rocks. There. Now what?
I'm thinking about washing my hands.
Yes, the rocks are quite dirty. Do you wring your hands too?
Sure. There's no playing instruments when you're this high-strung.
Let me try another glass. I'm just going to add a tea bag, you will see it seeping. There, it's already working. Does seeing this seeping make you think of releasing?
It's no good, it makes me feel like it can't be this natural.
Perhaps not, but even the tea bag reacts. I'm going to dump these glasses and try one more thing. (he slowly pours each glass into the large bowl, then fills one up nearly full.) Ok, now imagine this is summer, and yes, we will have a summer, and it will be easy to quench your thirst. How does this make you feel?
Like I can't relax. The glass is full, and I'm filled with tension.
But what about a hammock in summer?
I've developed racing heart, I really think about running away, not relaxing.
I feel lost for words, but I think we did learn a bit today. How you feel about the world right now is affecting your mental health. I'll write something up, and share it with Dr. Stefani. I would prescribe lifting heavy objects repetitively every day so that these heavy feelings have some practical use, you know, you can put your fingers on it.
Alright. And just one more thing, I'm overwhelmed by wanting to clean those glasses now.
Nah, just more of less the art of science. This was broad strokes, they say the devil is in the details.
Thank you for coming in. You're not alone.
Yeah, but we're all forced to be.
And by the way, I prefer chocolate ice cream, and hear it's good for the brain.
I'll keep that in mind. Bye. (She walks out the door. Doctor goes to the calendar on the wall, and he takes it down and places it on the table. Lights out. The end.)
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