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I've got a current new kind of activism

Typically plays, are plays.  They are One Act plays, or longer.

I would have no idea how many people have written 10-minute plays,
the way I have, or that I even stopped calling them that and went with
'sketches' which could have been skits, especially things I was
acting out as a child.

I have posted openly about all of the genres and target audience of
writing I have done, and I'm proud of how vast and varied it all is,
starting just with poetry, and really growing beyond my wildest dreams.

One place I have talked about it is on  I have no proof of what another
woman on there has tried copying from me, but she has already mentioned
her "10-minute plays, and sketches" her exact words.  I called her out on this
to say that this is too close for comfort for me,
and I was suspended for 3 days.

Then I posted just the other day, my birthday pic, and she posted her
pic on my thread saying she looks and is a lot like me.

Well, I took this one to the streets.  Facebook.  I posted her pic and what
I suspect is going on with foul play on a personal, intellectual level.
I continue to do so.  I was banned on until Sept. 1st.  They have
not taken the initiative to protect me as an artist, but instead see this as
me attacking another member of 'their' community.  They call this,
"It only takes one person to destroy the community."  alright.

Then I will.  There is never conflict resolution on this site,
your posts are either removed, locked, or you are suspended, or all 3.
I will typically share my poetry on the site, but I think I've only posted
One 10-minute play to cheer someone up.  The woman who is copying
me is hidden in a username, so there's no way to find out she is or if she has
a blog or website with her material.

I know I am often imitated.  This really should be no big deal,
but the way it has been handled by moderators is enough
to make me want to fight even more.  We'll see how far I get.  Might
be a lost cause.  But I've wasted time doing nothing too.
