Why would you believe someone like that? question from Judy. Electronic torture is not a belief, it is a direct hold over the head and body with the most unnatural pain imaginable, strangely the explanation was there first, and then the application of such. No, I don't believe everyone, but Ken Adachi had some sort of connection to the truth that was used for a purpose. Why do you want to spend all of yours and Alec's money on cigarettes, beer, and gas? question every day by Judy, and hopefully this answers it. I don't buy pop, junk food, or go out to eat in restaurants. I don't buy designer clothes, shoes, or give to any church. You don't seem to have a problem with people that do. Leave Me Alone with your fricking nagging. I'm your landlord, because you can't take care of the bugs in your house. statement by Dave Fletcher. In other words, if we can't take your stability away or crutch you use for subsistence, i...