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who was the person who basically attempted to shut down all unions, it was Paul Ryan. Which branch of government stopped Obama's jobs bill, it was Republicans because they didn't want to add to the debt. Who was good on the promise of wind turbines, solar energy, and natural gas, it was Obama. Who wants to bring back coal and other resources drilling, despite the coal miners wanting other work, it's Trump. Who agreed that there's a problem with race and the police force, Obama. Who was a hugger, an empath, and a decent worker for the people, Obama. Who started out with a bill to give equal rights to women, with no record of ever abusing them, it was Obama. Who was dragged through hell his whole admin and booed while doing his job, it was Obama. Who wants to eliminate cultural ammenties like national parks, monuments, and pristine environment, it's Trump. Who can't play basketball, it's Trump. Who did deals without bombing the hell out of them, it was Obama. should I go on?


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