Stage is set like a lab with wooden desks, and tons of chemical equipment. Lights up with the man in a white jacket talking with his two patients, a young man, and a young woman. Velcome, Velcome to my factory, my mishion, my occupaaation. There's nowhere to sit down. That's vecause you vare not in de audience, no worries, this study vill be recorded. Is that for going back in time? Nah, nah, tis for proof. And so var, you have not proven yourselves. I've got my proof of auto insurance, will that do? Hmmm, vaybe, vaybe. And I've got proof of a title to my car. Ahhh, yes, autoooomobiles. Please sign that you accept me az your master. Oh for Pete's sake. Alright then, let's get on vith it. You have come here to rid yourself of ailment called schizofrenzia. No? That is correct. Yes, yes, now this vill be a bery simple process, just a few cells from the inside of your cheeks. I vill put the...